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    作者:创始人 时间:2022-01-07 17:39:04 点击:1

    信息摘要: 玻璃纤维筋常见客户问题

    Q: Can we shear cut GFRP rebar?

    A:  NO, GFRP rebar is orthotropic and non-ductile material, GFRP can be cut using steel saw, a band saw and or grinder   with a diamond blade.  

    Q: How to tie GFRP rebar together?

    A:  Tie GFRP Rebar with stainless steel or nylon tie wire, you may use heavy-duty zip tie too, Or U-shaped buckles. 

    Q: Can we bend Gfrp rebar in the workshop or on site?

    A:  Gfrp rebar is manufactured with Vinyl-Ester Thermoset Matrix, you cannot bend Gfrp rebar after curing cycle, all the   bends have to be fabricated in Chengxinda FRP Manufacturing Plants in China Taiyuan.

    Q: Can we bend Chengxinda in the workshop or on site?

    A: Chengxinda is manufactured with a unique & patented method using Thermoplastic & Corrosion-resistant glass fiber.     Chengxinda can be re-heat and re-shape just like any other thermoplastic. Apply the heat to 200°C (Centigrade) until           adequate softness achieves, use proper tools and jig to bend. (NOTE: to have maximum strength, avoid buckling and         dislocating the fibers).

    Q: How to lift long the bundle of Chengxinda & Gfrp rebar from a flatbed ruck?

    A: GFRP rebar is more elastic than regular steel bar therefore always avoid excessive deflections of the bars. Always use   a spreader bar when hoisting bundle of GFRP rebar.

    Q: How does the strength of MST-BAR < and MFX-BAR < compare with steel?

    A: The tensile strength of MST-BAR < and MFX-BAR < are both greater than 1000 MPa (145 ksi). Compared with steel, GFRP steel bars can bear twice the tensile load before failure.

    Q: How does the elastic modulus of MST-BAR < and MFX-BAR < compare with steel?

    A: The tensile modulus of MST-BAR < and MFX-BAR < are both greater than 65 GPa (9427 ksi). Compared with steel, GFRP steel bar is more flexible.

    Q: How does the strain of MST-BAR < and MFX-BAR < compare with steel?

    A: The tensile strains of MST-BAR < and MFX-BAR < are between 1.5% and 2.5%. Compared with steel, the strain of GFRP steel bar is lower than that of steel.

    Q: What are the resistance of MST-BAR < and MFX-BAR < to alkaline environment?

    A: Both MST-BAR #and MFX-BAR #have been tested for durability according to CSA and ACI standards. After exposure to alkaline solution with pH value of 13 for 2160 hours, they all maintain the ultimate tensile capacity of +90% at 60 degrees Celsius. Compared with steel, GFRP steel bars are more resistant to even stainless steel.

    Q: What is the maximum operating temperature of MST-BAR < and MFX-BAR <?

    A: The working temperature of any other composite products, such as GFRP, FRP and CFRP, GFRP, BFRP and AFRP, depends on the glass transition temperature or service temperature of the matrix or polymer, has nothing to do with glass or basalt, has nothing to do with the type of fiber and has a very high melting and operating temperature of carbon fibers. Both MST-BAR < and MFX-BAR < can provide high operating temperature. The glass transition temperature of MST-BAR < is Celsius, and the working temperature of MFX-BAR < is 110 Celsius.

    Q: What is the minimum operating temperature of MST-BAR < and MFX-BAR <?

    A: Both MST-BAR #and MFX-BAR #have been tested at -40 degrees Celsius according to CSA and ACI standards. The effect is zero, and in some cases the performance has been improved.

    Q: How does the price of Chengxinda fiberglass reinforcement compare with that of threaded reinforcement?

    A: According to the calculation of tons, the cost of Chengxinda fiberglass reinforcement is 2 to 4 times that of threaded reinforcement. Keep in mind that stainless steel bars will corrode. According to length, the weight of fiberglass reinforcement is 1/4 of that of threaded reinforcement, and more fiberglass reinforcement can be purchased at the same cost.

    Q: How does Chengxinda glass fiber reinforced bar compare with the price of epoxy coated steel bar (ECR) and galvanized steel bar?

    Answer: The price of Chengxinda glass fiber reinforced bar is usually comparable to that of galvanized and epoxy resin coated steel bar. The total installation cost usually makes the price of GFRP thread steel more competitive.

    Q: Do we have to consider the initial cost of threaded steel?

    A: At the end of the project, when comparing the cost of materials, it is absolutely not the case to consider that the use of Singxinda fiberglass reinforced materials is usually more expensive than carbon steel. However, when considering installation, handling, transportation, long-term maintenance and other related costs, the total installation cost of FRP is more competitive for carbon steel.

    Q: Why did the use of Singxinda fiberglass ribs reduce project costs?

    A: Intelligent designers always consider all the related costs of the project, and some of these factors can be eliminated when considering the use of Chengxinda fiberglass reinforcement.

    Installation time


    Processing and cutting

    Surface Covering and Removal Ability of Waterproof Film and 65mm Asphalt

    Seawater solidified concrete

    Short-term and long-term maintenance costs

    Q: How does the price of Chengxinda fiberglass reinforcement compare with that of threaded reinforcement?

    A: According to the calculation of tons, the cost of Chengxinda fiberglass reinforcement is 2 to 4 times that of threaded reinforcement. Keep in mind that stainless steel bars will corrode. According to length, the weight of fiberglass reinforcement is 1/4 of that of threaded reinforcement, and more fiberglass reinforcement can be purchased at the same cost.

    Q: How does Chengxinda glass fiber reinforced bar compare with the price of epoxy coated steel bar (ECR) and galvanized steel bar?

    A: The price of Chengxinda glass fiber reinforced bar is usually comparable to that of galvanized and epoxy resin coated steel bar. The total installation cost usually makes the price of GFRP thread steel more competitive.

    Q: Do we have to consider the initial cost of threaded steel?

    A: At the end of the project, when comparing the cost of materials, it is absolutely not the case to consider that the use of Singxinda fiberglass reinforced materials is usually more expensive than carbon steel. However, when considering installation, handling, transportation, long-term maintenance and other related costs, the total installation cost of FRP is more competitive for carbon steel.

    Q: What design guidelines should designer follow?

    A:  There are number of design guidelines available from CSA & ACI. 


    JT/T406-2003 Glass Fiber Reinforced Bars for Civil Engineering

    Technical Specification for Engineering Application of GB50608-2010 Fiber Reinforced Composite



    CAN/CSA-S6-06(Canadian highway bridge design code)

    CAN/CSA-S806-02(Design and construction of building component with FRP)


    Design Manual NO.3 (reinforcement concrete structure with FRP)

    Design Manual NO.5 (Prestressing concrete structure with FRP )



    ACI 440.1R-06

    ACI 440R-07

    ACI 440.5-08

    ACI 440.6-08


    Q: Can we expose Chengxinda fiberglass tendons in the sun?

    A: No, Chengxinda fiberglass ribs are made of thermosetting matrix. Because of cost competitiveness, they can be degraded by ultraviolet radiation without ultraviolet inhibiting adhesives. Always use direct ultraviolet radiation to cover Chengxinda fiberglass ribs.

    Q: Can we expose Chengxinda fiberglass tendons in the sun?

    A: Yes, Chengxinda fiberglass tendons have strong anti-ultraviolet radiation ability and can be preserved for a long time without degradation.

    Question: How can Chengxinda fiberglass reinforcement be recycled?

    A: Chengxinda Glass Fiber Reinforcement is 100% recyclable and environmentally friendly manufacturing.












    问: 球会体育玻璃纤维筋强度与钢材相比如何?

    答:   球会体育玻璃纤维筋抗拉强度均大于1000 MPa(145 ksi),与钢相比,GFRP钢筋在失效前可承受两倍的拉伸载荷。 

    问:  球会体育玻璃纤维筋弹性模量与钢相比如何?

    答: 球会体育玻璃纤维筋的拉伸模量均大于65 GPa(9427 ksi),与钢相比,GFRP钢筋更灵活。 

    问:  球会体育玻璃纤维筋应变与钢相比如何?

    答:  球会体育玻璃纤维筋拉伸应变均在1.5%至2.5%之间,与钢相比,GFRP钢筋应变低于钢。

    问: 球会体育玻璃纤维筋对碱性环境的抵抗力是什么?

    答:   球会体育玻璃纤维筋均已根据CSA和ACI标准进行耐久性标准测试,在直接暴露于pH值为13的碱性溶液2160小时后,它们均保持+ 90%的极限拉伸能力在60摄氏度,与钢相比,GFRP钢筋对甚至不锈钢的耐受性更强。

    问:  球会体育玻璃纤维筋最高工作温度是多少?

    答:   GFRP,FRP和CFRP,GFRP,BFRP和AFRP等任何其他复合产品的工作温度取决于基质或聚合物的玻璃化转变温度或使用温度,与玻璃,玄武岩无关,与纤维类型无关和碳纤维具有非常高的熔化和操作温度。 球会体育玻璃纤维筋均可提供高工作温度。 球会体育玻璃纤维筋玻璃化转变温度为摄氏度, 球会体育玻璃纤维筋工作温度为110摄氏度。

    问:  球会体育玻璃纤维筋的最低工作温度是多少?

    答:   球会体育玻璃纤维筋均已根据CSA和ACI标准在-40摄氏度下进行测试,效果为零,在某些情况下性能也有所提高。

    问: 球会体育玻璃纤维筋与螺纹钢筋的价格相比如何?

    答: 按吨计算,球会体育玻璃纤维筋是螺纹钢筋成本的2到4倍。请记住,不锈钢棒会腐蚀。 按长度算,玻璃纤维筋重量是螺纹钢筋的1/4,花同样的钱买到的纤维筋更多。

    问: 球会体育玻璃纤维筋与环氧涂层钢筋(ECR)和镀锌钢筋的价格相比如何?

    答:  球会体育玻璃纤维筋的价格通常与镀锌和环氧树脂涂层钢筋相媲美,总安装成本通常使GFRP螺纹钢价格更具竞争力。 

    问: 我们是否必须考虑螺纹钢的初始成本?

    答: 在项目结束时,当比较材料成本时,考虑使用球会体育玻璃纤维筋材料通常比碳钢更昂贵时,绝对不是这样。但是,在考虑安装,搬运,运输,长期维护和其他相关费用时,FRP的总安装成本对碳钢更具竞争力。

    问: 为什么使用球会体育玻璃纤维筋降低了项目成本? 

    答: 智能设计师总是考虑项目的所有相关成本,考虑使用球会体育玻璃纤维筋时,可以消除其中一些因素 。







    问: 我们能否以1比1的钢筋替代GFRP钢筋?

    答: GFRP钢筋强度是钢筋的两倍,但比钢筋更灵活,它的失效性能呈线性弹性,因此没有屈服点可以确定。工程师必须遵守GFRP钢筋的规范和标准,而不是钢铁。如果您有钢结构设计,我们可以帮助您将其更改为GFRP。  


    答:  球会体育生产的玻璃纤维筋均被视为GRADE III,等级是指GFRP钢筋的弹性模量。

    等级I - E> 40GPa

    等级II - E> 50GPa

    等级III - E> 60GPa

    问: 我们可以在活动地震区(地震)中使用GFRP钢筋吗?

    答: 是的,GFRP钢筋可用作受地震荷载条件影响的混凝土中的钢筋。GFRP钢筋能够抵抗反向拉伸 - 压缩循环而不会失效。GFRP材料表现出的大变形允许GFRP加固建筑物充分地消散地震能量。目前,在地震灾害中,GFRP钢筋加固了100多座桥梁和结构。

    问: 设计师应遵循哪些设计指南?

    答:  CSA和ACI提供了许多设计指南。 


    JT/T406-2003 土木工程用玻璃纤维增强筋

    GB50608-2010 纤维增强复合材料建设工程应用技术规范



    CAN / CSA-S6-06(加拿大公路桥梁设计规范)

    CAN / CSA-S806-02(用FRP设计和建造建筑构件)






    ACI 440.1R-06

    ACI 440R-07

    ACI 440.5-08

    ACI 440.6-08


    问: 我们可以在阳光下暴露球会体育玻璃纤维筋吗?

    答: 不,球会体育玻璃纤维筋由热固性基质制成,由于成本竞争力,可以通过紫外线辐射降解,没有紫外线抑制粘合剂。始终使用直接紫外线辐射覆盖球会体育玻璃纤维筋。

    问: 我们可以在阳光下暴露球会体育玻璃纤维筋吗?

    答: 是的,球会体育玻璃纤维筋具有很强的抗紫外线辐射能力,可以长期保存而不会降解。 


    答: 球会体育玻璃纤维筋是100%可回收和环保的制造。







